2008년 5월 25일 일요일

2008년 5월 17일 토요일

2008년 5월 11일 일요일

2008년 5월 4일 일요일

2008년 4월 27일 일요일

2008년 4월 13일 일요일

2008년 4월 5일 토요일



*Social networks as science, technology, popular culture and art.
As science
In the past Social networks was concerned with sociologists . But lately physicists and mathematicians have made large contributions to an understanding of social networks too.
There is an interesting experiment 'six- degree of separation'. (When 'A' village person send a message to 'B' village person via a friend of friend without post service, the message can be send 'B' person through six people.)
And dr.yoon recommend movie 'bowling alone'.
As technology
For example, there are email, newsgroups and weblogs.
And Cyworld, Google and Amazone.com are representation of social networks.
As popular culture
Members of an online community can affect the results of Google searches - called "Google bombing"
As art
Ben Discoe’s, Friendster Map
Mark Lombardi, Global Networks etc...
(I can do that using cyworld by pencil and paper too.)

Today, I interested in this lecture's subject 'social networks'. Because Dr.yoon mentioned cyworld for example. Usually I have used cyworld. So, the subject was familiar with me.
And I understood this subject easily. Before lecture, I didn't know that I belong to what a lot of social networks. This fact is interesting and I feel world closer. ^^

2008년 3월 29일 토요일

3/26,3/28 정보기술개론

At first, today's kepoint 'People make media and then media make people.' wasn't understood well. After professor explain for example, I understood that. "This is like relation with name and people. When people born, they have name from their parents or other. But people have their name up later. It is same relation with people and media." (Ah ha~)
Tim berners-lee is direstor of the world wide web consortium. So he make to access numerous information for people easily. Thanks to him.
And then I learned ISO , IEFT and RFC.
ISO is a network of national standards institutes from 145 countries working in partnership with international organizations, governments, industry, business and consumer representatives. It acts as a bridge between public and private sector. It has created over 12,000 standards.
IETF is a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. It is open to any interested individual.
RFC is an official document publication for using technology needed order.
And then I learned video art originator nam june paik.
He is unique and special. I think he is model of the students of globar media. (art+media) And I'll follow his artistic sense and adventurous spirit.

2008년 3월 21일 금요일



What does digital media mean?
Two key points:
①When a media is new, it is often used to simulate old media.
②New media do not replace old media, they display them.
(A proverb: taking a lesson from the past)
Today focus: Hypertext(invented by Ted nelson): One way that digital media has been understood is as new forms of writing, reading and thinking.
Examples "Cut-ups": tristan tzara's recipe for composing a poem, William burroughs, david bowie of method of "Cut-ups"
Who is Douglas engelbart? He got inspiration from Vannevar bush('As we maythink') . And then he invented mouse, e-mail, window and the word processor. His motivation is
augmenting human intellect. So he effected xerox parc, apple, more and more PC industry and the products and companies involved in computer-supported cooperative work.


I have not thought about PC inventor and principle of hypertext and hyperlink before attending this lecture. (Ironically, I always use them but I don't know anything about them.) Engelbart was 1960's person. But I think that he is 21C person. He is amazing for me. Of course, he got
inspiration from "As we may think"by Vannevar bush(<-he is also 21C man). But important thing is that he took shape it based on vannevar bush's principle. Now, I use them. And he effected 'apple'! I like his motivation. So I want to think as him.
Lastly, I interested in tristan tzara's recipe for composing poem. ~ (how a novel idea!)

2008년 3월 15일 토요일


“Welcome to present”(3/12)
The last time (3/12), professor explained about “Welcome to present”(sandy stone's writing). I'm going to write the lecture summary as I learned and understood in the last time.
The DNA helix(this composed chromosome), movement of ions within synapses are invisible by naked eye. But we know that those are in existence. Why? Because with time and increasingly sophisticated tools, reality seems more and more intelligible. As this paragraph"We find oursel-ves in the paradoxical situation that the more we call "that which becomes known" by the name "reality", the futher we distance ourselves from it." is compared with this title, it's interesting.

1. When digital media technologies connect or separate people, they become media.
2. Technologies embody social. political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and relation- ship
Media technology connect or separate with people. For example, there are egg white and car. Egg white was medium in art. Because this connected between wall and color powder. but also it separate them. And similarly A car is medium in society.(between people and people)

"As we may think"(3/14)
Vannevar bush made memex. The memex find needful data in numerous datas easily. Specially, This device is helpful for scientists. Later, this is beginning of index(same as World Wide Web). Similarly, there is Bell' telephone .

I learned change of mind. It's so surprising. Sandy stone and Vannevar bush are not only stimulus but also model on media students(include me^^). Still, I hardly understood this lecture(information and technology). But From now on, I'll expand my thinking and endeavor.(study english hard)