2008년 3월 21일 금요일



What does digital media mean?
Two key points:
①When a media is new, it is often used to simulate old media.
②New media do not replace old media, they display them.
(A proverb: taking a lesson from the past)
Today focus: Hypertext(invented by Ted nelson): One way that digital media has been understood is as new forms of writing, reading and thinking.
Examples "Cut-ups": tristan tzara's recipe for composing a poem, William burroughs, david bowie of method of "Cut-ups"
Who is Douglas engelbart? He got inspiration from Vannevar bush('As we maythink') . And then he invented mouse, e-mail, window and the word processor. His motivation is
augmenting human intellect. So he effected xerox parc, apple, more and more PC industry and the products and companies involved in computer-supported cooperative work.


I have not thought about PC inventor and principle of hypertext and hyperlink before attending this lecture. (Ironically, I always use them but I don't know anything about them.) Engelbart was 1960's person. But I think that he is 21C person. He is amazing for me. Of course, he got
inspiration from "As we may think"by Vannevar bush(<-he is also 21C man). But important thing is that he took shape it based on vannevar bush's principle. Now, I use them. And he effected 'apple'! I like his motivation. So I want to think as him.
Lastly, I interested in tristan tzara's recipe for composing poem. ~ (how a novel idea!)

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